Little Seed Library
click to view our Policy & Donation Form
An exciting new resource is available to our community. MSU Extension and Conrad Public Library have partnered together to open a seed library at the Conrad Public Library. Since the first seed library opened in the US twenty years ago, seed libraries have been springing up across the nation and around the globe to preserve heirloom seeds adapted to particular regions.
Seed libraries are a fun, grassroots effort of gardeners interested in growing produce and harvesting seeds to preserve and share with their neighbors. The concept is simple: seed libraries provide open-pollinated and heirloom seeds to the public. People select seeds to take home, grow, and enjoy the produce. The hope is that some seed library patrons will choose to become more involved, go the extra mile, and save seeds from a few plants to return to the seed library in the fall. The returned seeds will then be packaged by volunteers and checked out to other gardeners the following growing season. In this way, the seed collection will become an ever-expanding, ever-improving, self-sustaining resource for future generations.
The Little Seed Library’s current inventory was acquired through a grant procured by MSU Extension, as well as numerous seeds generously donated by Land to Hand MT, Conrad Community Garden, and local gardeners. Presently, the seed library is stocked with multiple types of vegetables, flowers, and herbs, with additional varieties that will be added in the coming weeks. All that is needed to obtain seeds is a library card from Conrad Public Library. If you don’t already have one, please come and get your card today!
In addition to seeds, the library has a collection of books and resources related to gardening and seed-saving. Whether you are new to gardening or have been planting and harvesting for years, the Little Seed Library and MSU Extension can help you take the next step. Come to the library today, get some seed packs, and get ready to grow!
Seed Saver Education
In order to donate seeds, we ask you to complete one of the following options:
View the Intro to Seed Saving video and the Growing Guide for specific seeds being donated
Read one of the books listed below (all are available at the Conrad Public Library).
"Saving Vegetable Seeds" by Fern Marshall Bradley (635 BRA)
"Saving Our Seeds: Practice and Philosophy" by Bevin Cohen (631.52 COH)
"The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds: 322 Vegetables, Herbs..." by Robert Gough (631.521 GOU)
Additionally, you may review MSU Extension's MontGuide Harvesting and Saving Garden Seeds.