Conrad Public Library Foundation
Statement of Purpose
The Conrad Public Library Foundation (CPLF) supports the Conrad Public Library in achieving its goals with fund-raising efforts and public relations.
CPLF oversees the established Conrad Library Endowment Fund.
CPLF applies for grants unavailable to a government agency. Foundation funds do not replace local funding.
Monetary gifts to the Foundation
can be mailed or delivered to the
Conrad Public Library
15 4th Ave SW, Conrad, Montana 59425
(click on the image for more information)
Conrad Public Library Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Donate appreciated stock or mutual fund investments to help potentially reduce capital gains. Please contact us to discuss details regarding a transfer & tax credit documentation.
Donate a portion of your IRA required
minimum distribution (RMD) with an
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD's). Please contact us to discuss details.
Conrad Library Endowment Fund
The Conrad Library Foundation Endowment Fund will be made up of gifts and bequests that are subject to the requirement that the principal be invested to insure a legacy for the Conrad Public Library.
Dividend and investment decisions will be made by the Foundation Board.
In the event the Endowment Fund ceases to exist or meet its stated purpose, all money in the account will be transferred to the Conrad Public Library.
Board of Directors
Jane Arends
Ruth Fladstol
Renee Grammar
Carol Gunderson
Pete McKeone
Nancy Powell, Library Board Representative
Tiffany Christensen, Library Director (ex-officio member)
Commitment of Members
Foundation members expect to commit a reasonable amount of time and energy to the organization by attending a minimum of four meetings a year, taking active part in projects and serving as needed on committees.
CPLF is a nonprofit corporation established in 1979 by the Conrad Public Library Board of Trustees. It is separate from the Conrad Public Library, a tax-supported institution. A seven-member board directs the organization and is responsible for its activities and finances. Ideas to support the Conrad Public Library may come from any source but must be compatible with library goals and the overall plan for library services.